Saturday, April 13, 2013

Intentional beginnings

When we start a new project in life we usually have some form of expectation for the outcome. Over the last 10 days I took part in a commitment to eating whole foods, no sugar and no breads, alcohol or caffeine. "A" did the cleanse with me. We both set some intentions that were personal to us.

My intentions were different from his and for the first time we both felt satisfied while eating a similar diet. It got me reflecting on other aspects of my life and why I am often disappointedly, afraid or unwilling to make changes.

Intentions are reasonable expectations you have for yourself. Expectations that are kind and gentle and understanding of your heart. They give you the opportunity to feel accomplished and provide the confidence to take bigger more passionate strides.

Some days my only intention is to be ok. To be ok with my body, my job, my life.... Other time I feel the greatness rise up, a need to create and be loud! A need to indulge in my love for all that I have and all that I am.

I realized today that I have built a life where I am because I decided to. I made the decision to try new things, be bold, volunteer, host meetups, walk into tea shops and offer my helping hand if not only for an hour a week... These intentions have led to a life I could not have anticipated. People I never expected to meet. Friends I never knew I would cherish. Reflecting on these intentional steps reminds me that I always have choices and new opportunities available to me.

Today my intention is to reflect and say thank you. To dream without inhibition. And to smile deep from within. And to share my thoughts with all of you :)

What will your intentions be today? Small or large, I think they'll be quite impactful.

BPositive and BFree!


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