Positive Friends

D from Illinois shared this with me. It makes me smile from my heart to know someone like this who just loves others with all her being. Thanks for sharing D!

"I absolutely fell in love with these magnets not only for the creativity but for the message. My teenage children, a boy and a girl, have both been going through some difficult times lately--each for different reasons. I am putting  these magnets on the fridge in honor of them and to remind them that no matter what happens, they are enough--just as they are! I love them unconditionally and completely." -D 

S from Ireland wrote to me after requesting the blog sign "Happy" Not only was I incredibly excited to send this to her because she truly deserves this little piece of love, but I feel glad to have met her through this wonderful world of art and friendship! BHappy S! 

"The reason I requested Happy was because in the moment I came across your beautiful piece, it stayed with me. I am 32 and have suffered with depression since I was 15. I can also be very happy in my life despite the depression. It is hard to explain but I like to try and make other people happy too much. However, in the last year I have learned that you don't need to loose yourself in helping others and that simply existing can make someone else incredibly happy. I have learnt this most of all when I met my husband. He loves me no matter what. I spent many years trying to convince him that I wasn't good enough. He never bought it, thank God! So, in the house we built, I wan to put up your piece of Happy and have it as a reminder that you have a choice to be happy and I have decided to choose it!" -S

And how cool that BPositive BFree has international friends!

I'd like to share a story from S in Texas who is a new friend to BPositive BFree:

S told me that the messages "Let Go" and "Be Honest with You" really spoke volumes to her during a time when she has a lot of choices to make. After ending a long term relationship and having to finish up school in a very small town, S found herself in a tough spot. She was brave enough to share her story with me and ultimately all of you. I am so pleased to be able to send the messages "Let Go" and "Be Honest with You" with S. She is strong and brave and perfect just the way that she is. I'm grateful that she shared her story. S also generously made a donation to BPositive BFree which will contribute directly to Alpenglow Adventures. Thanks for your positivity S!

Let Go and Be Honest with You are getting a new home!
All recipients get a personalized note

All packaging is 100% recycled and unique!

C from Alabama writes: 

I requested the "Prayer" message for myself to put up in front of my computer in order to always remind me to rely on God's grace and mercy. After moving to the South I learned alot about myself but am having a difficult time making friends with similar values. Living in a college town offers one pletiful opportunities to drink and party, but that's just not me. I would rather be chatting over a nice cup of tea than getting wasted nearly every night. The South also offers little in the way of vegetarian meals. People think I'm crazy because I don't like the fried staple foods of the deep south. What can I say? I want to respect animals and my body. Sometimes I forget that God has a plan for each of us. I need to remember to pray and rely on His love. 

DSCN9711 by springknitter

Thanks C for sharing your story. I hope this message helps you get through some challenging times. You are beautiful person with a good heart. Do what makes you happy!