Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Love the Journey

As many could probably gather from my most recent posts I am currently a gardener. I am also a community advocate. I am a community builder. Each day a new title is added to my list because I am realizing how interconnected everything is.

I was brainstorming about how I could marry the concept of BPositive BFree with community gardening. They seem like separate entities in my head. It's been challenging to write posts because I've been trying not to use the blog as a daily journal of my gardening adventures. For over a year I have been building this blog, challenging myself, creating art, and writing honestly about my life. I still want to do that in a deep and meaningful way. As I really considered the disconnect between my work and my writing, it seemed there was actually no problem at all.

BPositive BFree is nothing more than me. It is wherever I am. It is whoever I am.  It is art when I'm making art. It is sanity when I am rationalizing emotions. It is gardening when I am gardening.

I also want BPositive BFree to be about You. Because without you BPositive BFree is words in an empty space. I want to bring you life observations and opportunities for growth. So what could be a more perfect example than a garden?

And the connecting of all the separate components continues... Gardening is a beautiful metaphor.

Will you travel on this journey with me? Can we learn together how to grow as individuals, grow within a community, and grow actual food? Will you join me as I help children learn how to grow the food that they eat in their homes? Will you take part in the changes in the community as more gardens are started? Will you help me through the sweat, the frustration and the incredible joy of helping people from all walks of life learn how to sustain themselves?

This is my current journey. This is where BPositive BFree must be.

This journey blows my mind every day. And I know I can't do it alone. This space where I write is its own community and I feel incredible support from readers like you.

So I leave you with my first installment about the path on which I stand. I will do my best to inform you of what is happening by always tying it back to how it pertains to other aspects of life.

What you plant for the day; a seed, a tree, a thought, an idea requires mindful attention. Be truly present in each action you take to care for your "seed". To see it to its full potential be mindful in your action, be present in your care, and be in the moment in which you are living. BPositive and BFree my amazing friends. And thank you for your patience, understanding, and listening ears as I've traveled down this path. Growth of some kind will always follow these mindful steps.


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