Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I've been in a rut. Uninspired. Not totally happy with my self. Feeling a little ugly and blah. Know the feeling? Yesterday, as per usual this week, I was working but also being irritable and cranky. Needing some creative distractions I started blog hopping (so fun!) This is how I found E's awesome, inspiring blog!  It was a timely find which I was quite grateful for.  I navigated the many channels of her blog and after about 45 minutes I felt like I knew her. E's individuality was written all over the pages with no fear, shame or apologies. She wasn't afraid to show people who she is through imagery, style, self-portraits and words. Even though the blog was all about her style, her ideas, and her life there was nothing boastful or vein about it. It was covered in her self portraits and photography of her looks. I was really touched by this!

Instantly my creativity was back. I am always amazed at how something can move me so suddenly. Seeing how E loved her self so much made me want to give my self the same attention. I typically keep my face off my blog and only insert those images when necessary. And I spend a lot of time worrying that displaying images of myself, even for the sake of displaying my creations would be vein and uncomfortable for people.  E's blog reminded me that I am an individual and not only do I have something to say but I have my own unique characteristics and features.

Sun by springknitter

As I walked to the coffee shop this afternoon I put on some music that inspired my own individuality. I needed some confidence knowing this entry would be a bit awkward for me. It's always been hard for me to be put in the spot light and here I am doing it with my own two hands. But I am here to say I think it's okay to display your individuality. Be confident with it and use all the creativity you've got!

So here I am. It's me and it's raw, and I'm not afraid to show it (well, getting there at least...) I'm not perfect, I'm not always certain, and I have fears and doubts. But I like who I am and I think I've been given something special to share with others. I don't want to stop doing that as long as I am inspired.

Happy and walking by springknitter

I hope others are inspired to dig inside a little and take some self portraits today! I'm not judging you for wanting to see the results, Because it's beautiful. It's unique. It's you.

Me by springknitter

BPositive and BFree to be You!



  1. Are you kidding me? I only know you through your blog, but I know you well enough to know that I would NEVER in a million years ever describe you as vein. Sooooooo, post those pictures girl. You are a goregeous person with such soulful and love filled eyes. Your face inspires people to want to be happy:) Your free spirit and love for life shine through in all of your pictures, including the ones of yourself. And that is true regardless of whether they are pictures you take of yourself or if they are ones that other people have taken and you are in them. You were one of the very first people outside of my family to ever read my blog and you inspired me from the beginning. Please keep writing and keep snapping photos of you and your life:)

  2. you are beautiful and I miss you.

  3. Wildchild from swapbot:You are beautiful

  4. I've bookmarked your blog. Your posts are so authentic. I love it.
    Thanks for being you and for not being afraid to write your true feelings.

    Anna - swapbot (mynursecoach)

  5. LOVE THIS!! You are beautiful on the outside...and your personality shines beautifully through from the inside too! :)

    lostinavalon @ SwapBot
