Sunday, February 19, 2012

Live with your Heart

We are faced with decisions every day. Small ones, big ones, and in between ones. Often I make my decisions based on practicality and reasoning. I'm sure many of you do the same. 

This week I made a different kind of decision. Over the last two weeks as I've really been focusing my growth efforts inward, I've noticed changes in my outer steps. Choosing to rescue little mouse was not what my practical side would do. 

Little mouse lived over 48 hours in my care. I got to feel his powerful little life in my hand even though his weight felt as light as a paper clip. I got to watch how a mouth so tiny it was invisible to the eye, would magically open when food or water became available by my hand. I even watched him search for love and comfort, rolling around in my hand or curling up next to a fluffy ball of cotton in the box. 

I am sad that little mouse is gone now. I think I may have been denying how attached I had become. In fact I really believe that in those short days of interaction, a lot of love was exchanged by two living things. 

My husband A reminded me that my tears were a representation of love and that I should not be ashamed to have loved little mouse so much. 

It was then that I realized how much we numb ourselves to protect our hearts from pain. We create cushions of practical reasoning all around us in the form of routines, schedules, and rules. 

Little mouse reminded me that I am capable of living through the love in my heart and not just always by the rules. I think his short time here really served an incredible purpose through that lesson. Thanks little mouse for reminding me to live with all of my heart.

  by springknitter

BPositive and BFree to live with your heart!

Love always,

This post is dedicated to my friend little mouse who reminded me it was ok to do things a little differently and that love comes in many forms.  Maybe he rest peacefully now. 

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