Thursday, February 2, 2012

Love Being You

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."
~Dr. Seus

I have to thank my friend B for reminding me of this quote. I love its simplicity and comforting message.

Today, I toured school gardens. It was quite apparent that each had its own personality. Not just different features or produce, but actual one of a kind personalities. The vegetables represented the kids, the teachers and all that put effort into their roots. A garden really does become whoever loves it. Each one is unique.

Flowering broccoli by springknitter

Did you know that each tiny knob on a head of broccoli is a bud ready to bloom? We must show up, shine brightly, live freely, be our unique selves, and have the potential to bloom beyond our functional abilities. Like gardens, we are also the product of the love we receive, and that very much includes our love for ourselves. 

BPositive and Love Being You!



  1. Like gardens, we are also the product of the love we receive, and that very much includes our love for ourselves.

    Love it!
    Thank you ;-)

  2. i realy like your blog, and now i m yur follower, so i visit yuor etsy to, beautifulall them knitting , congrats¡¡¡
