Monday, January 30, 2012

A final word on patience: Day 7

Well it's been over a week since I started this focus topic. I'm writing today having not thought in depth about it, but just feeling really compelled to get some thoughts out. Bear with me!  I've just been really experiencing each moment these last few days. Some have been hard moments. There have been light and positive ones in between because often a difficult period births intense laughter and gratitude. I love these moments :) But I'm starting to understand the hard ones too and appreciate them for what they are.

I would dare to say that I feel rather stuck at the moment. I'm not really sure which way to go to make things work. But I don't feel panicked or overly emotional or claustrophobic as I once would. It's more lucid. I'm looking at everything that seems to be going "wrong" and understanding that it's part of the journey and it's supposed to be that way. I'm taking notes, learning how to get through it and having faith that I will get to the other side even if it's not exactly how I initially intended.

They say when it rains it pours. Well that's because we don't always know how to dance in the rain. One thing happens, then another, then another and suddenly we think, well fine!  Drown me! I clearly just can't get it right so I might as well take it all! We feel sorry for ourselves and allow all the things that happen to be negative. But it's these moments where it never seems like it's going to work itself out that we must really commit to living presently in the moments that we're given. Patience is about what you do while you're waiting, not just the waiting itself.

I don't know what happens next. But if I wake up everyday and learn to embrace what I'm given, I am bound to really get valuable life lessons. Would I love things to be cushy and easy? sometimes ;) But ultimately I'm not sure I would ever get a chance to explore my inner B if that were the case. And hell I will say it! I really like who I am, who I am becoming and everything I learn about myself along the way. I've been given an opportunity, a window to explore who I am and that really is a gift.

BPositive. BFree has always had a significant impact on my heart from the very start. But I'm not sure I realized how intensely the intrinsic level of positivity would ultimately guide my life. I really believe that positivity creates a path that is beautiful even if it's next to weeds, trash and ugliness. And part of staying positive is being patient with all the bumps and obstacles along the way. Right now I choose stay on that path through the storm.  I choose to dance in the rain.

  by springknitter

I've used this picture before and I am using it again. Will the storm pass? Yes. Will it be brighter and sunnier and dryer on the other side? Of course. But what are you doing in the meantime? 

BPositive and BPATIENT!!!! And please, please, please, let your times of struggle be opportunities to learn more about who you are. Let your walls down and let yourself in.

Love always, 


  1. Amazing post Becca! Beautifully stated: [I really believe that positivity creates a path that is beautiful even if it's next to weeds, trash and ugliness. And part of staying positive is being patient with all the bumps and obstacles along the way. Right now I choose stay on that path through the storm. I choose to dance in the rain.]
    Learning how to find the beauty amidst all the rubble is what has kept me going.
    Check out the song "Dancing In The Mine Fields"...your post reminds of it. =)


  2. good¡¡¡¡
    erickalin from swap bot

  3. i sew all your knitting things are beautiful¡¡¡¡
    erickalin from swap bot
