Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Love Story

DSCN9809 by springknitter
A gift for L.

My tea tastes like California this morning...

I love California. I love the smell of Eucalyptus and Sage, Pacific Mist and Redwood Bliss.

This morning I am filled with love because my tea tastes like California. It makes me smile. Helps me remember. Gives Inspiration. And makes me want to share stories.

But this post is not about my love affair with California. It just put me in a mood to write about something loving today!

A few weeks ago I finished a book that just melted my heart. It was so full of love and compassion and I just have to share it with you!

The book was given to me by my good friend R. It came in a package with a note that said...

my mom had gave me this book and it was one of the sweetest things. I thought I would enjoy it.

...It doesn't take me long to dive into a recommendation. Especially one labeled sweet (I'm a sucker for a sweet story!)

A brief synopsis of Grayson:
L was 15 years old at the time, training in open water of the coast of California for long distance swims. She was accustomed to the natural movements of the ocean and all of its beings dwelling beneath each stroke of her arm and kick of her foot.  But one day the water felt very different, almost eerie and strange. What resulted, left a lasting impression on L, enough for her to write a book and share her story. Grayson, was a baby whale, lost from his mother, who took to L as she swam laps. Lost and scared, Grayson and L became friends as urgency grew for Grayson to find his mother. As the story transpires, you learn about all beings' ability to love and a community that comes together to make the impossible happen. 

What struck me as so moving in this story is that love is a broad emotion! Love is about how we treat all living beings. Love is about community and support. Love is about not giving up and sharing what is important to us. I was so filled with love after reading this book that I had to share my thoughts with all of you. I highly recommend everyone to read this sweet wonderful story! And if any of you have read it, please feel free to comment and let me know what you though of it!

As I expressed in my last entry, I am learning to ask and listen when something really affects me. Well after I experienced my own love for the book Grayson, I decided I had to write to the author and tell her how much her words affected and inspired me. L, who wrote Grayson is one of the sweetest people I have ever corresponded with. She listened, answered questions, and gave me a plethora of advice as a budding writer.

Talking with L re-ignited my faith in helpful, giving, and loving people out there. Even when those people start out as complete strangers!

One of the things I spoke with L about is how I felt that her story was about not just human love, but love for all creatures in this world. L told me she likes to think of all of us, humans and animals as beings. I liked this perspective and felt really connected to that word. A part of me always felt a little silly about how strongly I felt toward animals. How much love I felt toward them and how much they meant to me. But truly, L is right. They are beings capable of giving us love and receiving love from us.

It's no coincidence when M comes and sits next to me when I'm feeling down!

And B, back home at my parents house is such an amazing companion. I've watched him become an incredible friend to my dad. There is such a clear love between them! 

It was L's love for Grayson, and Grayson's love for L that allowed her to push her limits for Grayson's benefit. Their journey together was one of love and compassion. It was a lesson of strength, endurance and true ability to stay positive and hopeful. One of my favorite quotes in the book says:

"the important things take time, sometimes they don't happen all at once, sometimes answers come out of time and struggle, and learning. Sometimes you have to try again in a different way."

I will leave you with that to think about and sign off for the day. With a lot of changes happening in my life, I feel that L's story and friendship has given me strength and belief in love of all kind. I'm changed for having read it.

Thank you L for you story and your friendship! I very much appreciate you and your writing!

BPostive my friends! And BLoving!

Love always,


  1. Becca, thanks so much for passing along this book to me! I read it in a day and loved it!! I was amazed by how connected the author was to the living environment surrounding her in the ocean. What a beautiful gift for her to experience. It makes me even more aware of the love that exists within the creatures on this planet. They have so much to teach us!

  2. Larissa,

    I'm so happy you enjoyed it. The second I put it down, I knew I'd be passing it along to you. It just reminded me of how much you love and appreciate every form of life :) It is one of the most special books I've ever read. And I agree, we have so much to learn from all living beings around us!
