Monday, January 16, 2012

Figuratively Speaking

I took a drawing class in college when I was 19. I loved art in so many ways, but certain mediums were challenging for me. Drawing posed many difficulties for me as being precise, has never been one of my strong points. Staircases, landscapes, vantage points, and perfect shapes never looked quite like the object being portrayed. I remember one of our first studio assignments was to draw a series of objects from the center podium. They were a mess of random shapes like blocks, spheres, cylinders, and cubes. It felt impossible and pointless. Who cares about perfect shapes anyway?

Life got a little easier for me when we began drawing actual objects. Things we use in daily life like tools, shoes, rope and items with at least a little more texture. 

But it still felt so forced. What on earth do all of these objects have to do with one another? A clog? A hammer? A rock? A saw? 

I continued my attempts in this class feeling pretty defeated. We did human statues and skulls. We did landscapes where we could choose any view of trees mixed with man made aspects of the outdoors. I tried so hard and just felt as though I had failed over and over again. It never looked quite right. 

These projects were disconnected. They feel meaningful. They were simply looking at something and copying it. I had no reason to interpret these situations. They were arbitrary and and mutually exclusive from my art. 

It wasn't until we began a segment in figure drawing that I found my artistic voice. The premise behind figure drawing is fluidity and movement. That was something I could wrap my head around. It's interesting to call back on these experiences. It's given me a better understanding of whats going on currently a little bit better. 

The thoughts in my head are a bit disconnected like my original assignments. They're tools I know I need to use, they're tasks I know I need to get done, they're inspiration without execution, they're overwhelming and disjointed. How will everything I'm feeling and trying to accomplish this year come together to form a beautiful piece of art? It seems impossible. 

I decided that I need to start approaching each day with more fluidity. I need to have faith that I am doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing right now. I need to stay present in each task. And I need to let things happen in a natural way. Because when you don't force things, they really can turn out beautiful. 

Don't force it, Just let it all happen. I think you'll like the results. 

BPositive and Just let it all B!

Love Always, 

1 comment:

  1. I agree! It was neat to see how your art progressed with these pictures.

    Emika from swap-bot
