Friday, November 25, 2011

14 days of appreciation: day 8

Shadows by springknitter
Shadows, a photo by springknitter on Flickr.

I spent the day in Austin with A, my cousin L and my great uncle L. Austin like all places has it's own flavor and style. Breakfast tacos, leather cowboy boots, and lone stars on every other house are just a few iconic symbols of the feel of this town. But isn't it the people that make it all happen? After kayaking down the towns river and having a lunch at The Whole Foods mothership (the original headquarters) I found that I continued to be completely entertained by people watching. The people of Austin give Austin it's flavor and that is true wherever we go.

Day 8. I appreciate people and their culture and style. People make each location unique. I feel very lucky to be able to be able to experience that.

BPositive and BAppreciative!


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