Monday, February 7, 2011

Unexpected Inspiration

I've been really excited about the feedback I've gotten on the first part of my project (although I'm feeling anxious because I don't know yet what the next step will be!) There are a lot of people tagged in the "You R Enough" picture on facebook which I hope has given people a positive message to take home with them for that day and beyond.

Today I got an unexpected box of inspiration from my friend R.
Fabric scraps, art materials for my art stash, a fishy pin cushion!

More art stash stuff, magazine, book, fun, fun, fun!

R is not only my friend, but also my other half in many ways. We haven't been friends for a long, long time but it seems that we were raised in similar ways, developed freakishly similar tastes and habits, and grew to the exact same height (a whopping 4' 11" and 3/4 although we would both claim it to really be 5') We share a love for crafting, creating, sharing what we make with others, loving the environment, looking at all things beautiful and of course watching our 10 seasons of friends DVD's. I'm so thankful for this box of inspiration today. I was feeling unsure of myself and my project. Like I'd gotten myself into something that I didn't how to complete. But this box from R reminded me that sometimes we have to take the step even before we know exactly what will come next. And those steps should reflect who we are inside. In this case, her colorful package represents my creativity perfectly.

I used to always live my life by planning out every step of the way before even executing the very first action. This often lead to major procrastination and delayed starts. It also took the fun and excitement out of doing something adventurous! Last Thursday I had the idea to create a picture titled "You R Enough" and I wanted to share with with people in any way that I could. I'm proud to say that it's helped me see that I am enough as well. My efforts, my skills, my love to share and create is all enough just the way it is.

Adventures like this can be scary because the outcome is unknown and the path is a little dark. But I'm finding that when you're on a path that feels so right inside of you, it becomes brighter and more colorful. My path is so colorful today. I still can't see the end of the road but I see fabric scraps and yarn and paper and glue and beads and other items that I can create with! Thanks R!

I also realize that "You R Enough" can't just be a picture. And it can't just be something that gets sent to people. It can't just be something that gives someone a minutes of self reflection. "You R Enough" has to help me drive forward into whatever is next to come.

Realizing that I am enough, just the way that I am has given me strength. I took the time to take an inspiring idea, execute it and share with a lot of people even though I wasn't sure the idea was completely thought out yet. That was so scary and so thrilling all at once. But, by actually doing it. By crafting my sign, taking the photo, and sharing it with all of you, I put a lot of trust in myself. And I think I'm learning that I'm not just trusting myself. I'm letting go of the control that I hold onto so tightly and trusting that God is helping me find my path.

I don't know what the next chapter will be, but I know there will be a next chapter! And it's a brighter chapter. I may be walking without the end in site, but it may not be in the dark anymore. I feel a shift and I'm really excited about it.

So whatever chapter 2 is going to be, I promise it will be directly from my heart. And there's no faking that!

BPositive and BTrusting of Who You Are



  1. I'm so glad you like it! Stash sharing is the best!

    So proud of you, love,

  2. I really love to read you writing, and I am not just saying that to be polite. It is truly inspiring.

    (eveyinorbit via swapbot)

  3. thanks evey! That really made my day :)

  4. I'll post another comment at w/e as you have a lot of text so I'll read at my leisure when i'm not working

  5. I absolutely loved this post. I completely agree with evey. mamatoallie on swapbot

  6. What a fun package to receive. Nice when we have friends that really get us.

    swapbot - stampkrl

  7. How sweet, what a lovely package to receive and just at the right time too :)

  8. Wow! Such cute things to get! I hope you get to use a lot of it!! Ichigoshortcake on sb xx
