Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I have been absent from writing lately. I think we naturally go through times when one thing becomes more important than another. I have many things consuming my time and energy lately. It's hard to write honestly when you feel so clogged by life. But yesterday I was given an opportunity to unclog my heart a little and remember why I do all that I do.

My friend B asked me to please send her my favorite quote. Oh boy... this could take days. I'm quite fickle when it comes to these decisions. I am easily swayed by my emotions and events of the day. Like almost everything in my life though, if I let go a little the answers come to me. I put away the terrible quote sites I found on google and searched my heart for a minute. I remembered Thich Nhat Hanh in that moment, a wise monk with simplistic views on life and happiness. From one of his books he states:

"Because you are alive, everything is possible."

His words gave me some hope that I had been missing over the last few weeks. I get so caught up in what is happening that I forgot all that is possible if I open up and let it. There is so much I want for myself, my family, and my community. And I think Hanh is right. If I'm alive and here to be a part of it? Then it is possible. It is all possible.

I write this post with intent to spread a little hope and brightness for your today and your tomorrow.

Here is what brings me hope today:




It is all possible today, we just have to let it be. What brings you hope? 

Bpositive and BHopeful!
